Leigh Basford Emergency Management Director 1083 SW Harvey Greene Drive |
Renata Keeling Emergency Management Specialist 1083 SW Harvey Greene Drive |
Hours & Location:
Normal office hours are Monday through Friday,
8:30am – 5:00pm
The Madison County Emergency Management (Emergency Operations Center) is located at 1083 S.W. Harvey Greene Dr. Madison , Fl 32340
During a Partial or Full Activation Level, the Emergency Operations Center may be staffed 24/7 at the discretion and direction of the EM Director.
Emergency Management has a staff of two (2) employee’s and a volunteer ARES Coordinator . Our responsibilities sometimes require for both of us to be out of the office. In this event, we can be reached through our Communications / Dispatch Center. We are “On-call” 24/7 and actively monitor all emergency radio’s .